Do Electric Heaters Produce Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that can be produced by some home heating systems. This odorless and colorless gas can build up in a home or room without the occupants even knowing.

This build up can quickly become harmful and even fatal if allowed to go on for too long. Because of this danger, it’s wise to know whether or not your heater produces carbon monoxide and what the risks are.

Can Electric Heaters Produce Carbon Monoxide?

No. Electric heaters work by running electricity through a heating element. No harmful byproducts are produced by this method of heating.

Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of burning fuels, so they are only present when fuels such as kerosene or natural gas are burned to produce heat. Non-combustible space heaters like electric heaters do not emit any byproducts.

So completely electric heaters are not capable of producing carbon monoxide.

Is an electric heater safe in a closed room?

An electric heater produces no harmful byproducts or gasses when operating, so they are safe to use in a sealed or closed room.

Other precautions do need to be taken though, such as making sure to not leave an electric heater unattended. You must also make sure the heater is away from any materials that could pose a fire hazard.

But overall, an electric heater poses no dangers when used in a closed room and does not require extra ventilation to be present.

Do electric heaters reduce oxygen?

No. Electric heaters only heat the surrounding air with a heating element. They don’t produce any carbon monoxide that would disperse the room’s oxygen. Electric heaters also do not consume any oxygen in the heating process.

The only way a heater could reduce oxygen is if the heater used a burning fuel to create the heat. This burning could theoretically reduce oxygen levels in a sealed room.

Is it safe to sleep with an electric heater?

Yes, the electric heater will not emit any harmful gasses like carbon monoxide. As long as the electric heater is in good working order and is in a safe place, it can be left to run during the night.

Make sure to follow all safety instructions for your specific electric heater if planning on using it during sleeping hours.

Do you need a carbon monoxide detector with an electric heater?

No. If you are just using an electric heater, a separate carbon monoxide detector is not needed.

However, if the rest of your house uses any sort of other heating method that does create carbon monoxide, such as natural gas, then you do need one.

Also, you will need a smoke detector in your home regardless of what heating method you choose. These are required by most building codes and are especially important if using electric heaters that could tip over or malfunction.

Do Electric Space Heaters Give Off Toxic Fumes?

A properly functioning electric space heater should not give off any fumes or byproducts, this includes carbon monoxide.

However, a malfunctioning electric heater can give off odors or fumes if it is too hot or the electric heating element is failing. If you suspect this is occuring, discontinue using the heater.

Another source of odors from an electric heater may be due to dust or other build up around the heating element. This can occur if the heater has been in storage for an extended period of time or is used in a dirty environment.

In this case, when first turned on that dust build-up will cause an odor and smell as it’s heated. If bothersome, let the heater run for a few minutes outdoors until the odor is gone.

Some people also may notice dry sinuses or other symptoms when using an electric heater, but this is not from toxic fumes or carbon monoxide.

Electric heaters can severely dry out the air in a small room, and this dry air can be uncomfortable for some.

Are Electric Heaters Safe?

Yes. When used properly and checked regularly to make sure they are in working order, an electric heater should be safe to use.

Make sure to follow all safety guidelines from the instruction manual when using an electric heater.

Can You Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from an Electric Heater?

No. There is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning when using an all electric space heater. An electric space heater uses no combustion so therefore no byproducts are released into the air.

You will not get carbon monoxide poisoning from an electric space heater.

Can Electric Space Heaters Emit Carbon Monoxide FAQ


Space heater carbon monoxide

Space heaters that are all electric do not pose a carbon monoxide risk. But space heaters powered by kerosene or other fuels do emit carbon monoxide.

Space heaters that burn kerosene should not be used indoors and you should follow all instructions that came with the unit. This includes propane powered and natural gas powered space heaters as well.

Carbon monoxide from an electric heater

Carbon monoxide will not come from an electric heater. The heating element inside does not burn any fuel, so therefore releases no gas byproducts.

Only combustible fuels will create carbon monoxide when used for heating.

Can electric space heaters emit carbon monoxide?

No. There is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning with electric space heaters. A properly functioning electric space heater in good working order does not emit any combustion gasses.

Electric Heaters Produce Carbon Monoxide

Final Thoughts On Can Electric Space Heaters Produce Carbon Monoxide 

If you have a room or area of your house that gets colder than the rest of the building, an electric heater is a great choice to keep that area warm during the cold winter months.

You can rest easy knowing there is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning with an electric space heater. However, you still need to take precautions as an electric space heater can still pose a fire risk if used improperly.

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